1. Watch Comprehensive School online - BFI Player
The joys of 1960s modern education - as seen at a not-exactly-typical local comp. Documentary 1962 11 mins ... Police Story: Panel Discussion Police Story: Panel ...
The joys of 1960s modern education - as seen at a not-exactly-typical local comp.

2. [PDF] A (short) history of comprehensive education in England
Nov 12, 2016 · Comprehensive School Act.12 In Sweden in 1962, the decision was taken to implement comprehensive education across the country. By 1972.
3. a history - Chapter 12 - Education in the UK
In 1964, the Education Department's architects' unit, which had hitherto been restricted to work on grammar schools, designed its first comprehensive school. It ...
history of education in schools in England. Developments in the period 1964-1970
4. [PDF] Public Schools Southern States, 1962 - Civil Rights Movement Archive
The story of school desegregation in Memphis follows. 1:1 Memphis Commercial ... order, in the fall of 1962, every high school student in Charlottesville,.
5. [PDF] Secondary Education in the Wilson Years: the comprehensive school ...
The story of the comprehensive school reform after 1965 was not one of undiluted success. The Comprehensive Schools Committee (CSC), a well-organised pressure.
6. 1960s - Secondary Education and Social Change in the United ...
This a school-produced, silent film. It opens showing some records of Otley Board School in the 1870s, before transitioning to footage of new postwar buildings, ...
Otley Secondary Modern School, 1960s This a school-produced, silent film. It opens showing some records of Otley Board School in the 1870s, before transitioning to footage of new postwar buildings, classroom life, practical subjects, sports, music, art, and a school dramatic production. Sexey’s School perform The Tempest, 1960 Pupils from Sexey’s school perform and are […]

7. Schooldays in the 1950s and 1960s - Historic UK
Aug 16, 2015 · We all have strong memories of our first few days at primary school, although nowadays most children tend to go to pre-school, ...
We all have strong memories of our first few days at primary school, although nowadays most children tend to go to pre-school, so it is not such a shock to the system for them as it was for the children of the 1960s!

8. a history - Chapter 11 - Education in the UK
In all but a handful of cases, most notably in London, the Tory government refused to allow local authorities in England to establish comprehensive schools.
history of education in schools in England. Developments in the period 1951-1964
9. [PDF] Margaret Miles: the educational journey of a comprehensive school ...
Therefore, she chose the headmistress and comprehensive school campaigner Dame. Margaret Miles (1911-1994) as the subject of a dissertation for her History of.
10. England's Schools 1962-88: A Thematic Study
Missing: Comprehensive | Show results with:Comprehensive
Research Report for England’s Schools 1962-88: A Thematic Study

11. Secondary Modern - History Workshop
Jan 24, 2013 · Secondary modern schools were a different matter entirely. Some were streamed, some weren't. Most children left before taking O-levels. Some had ...
Michael Rosen and Emma-Louise Williams explain the background to their website, Sec Mod, which is collecting memories of education at secondary modern schools in Britain

12. [PDF] Comprehensive Secondary Schools in Australia: a View trom Newcastle ...
Between 1959 and 1962 the selective Perth. Modern School became comprehensive. ... primary school teacher, I also arrived as lecturer in history and history ...
13. [PDF] the comprehensive high school in jamaica - GETD
May 21, 2002 · comprehensive schools (Jamaica Government Hansard, 1962). ... Allen Comprehensive High School'" (History of School, 1989, p. 21) ...
14. The History of Woodberry Down Comprehensive School
While this was happening, the school population was changing and so were the teachers. House prices in London began to go through the roof. Single young ...
15. High schools, 1962 : a status report on... - HathiTrust Digital Library
High schools, 1962 : a status report on educational change and architectural consequence / [prepared by Evans Clinchy, editorial associate].
16. Katharina Sass, Politics of Comprehensive School Reforms
... 1962 for all children aged 11–14 regardless of social background or ability ... history of comprehensive schooling. Apart from additional com-parative ...