The Daily Times from Salisbury, Maryland (2024)

THE SALISBURY TIMES. SALISBURY. MD. FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 9, 1958 PAGE TWENTY-FIVE LET-HALL VACUUM CLEANERS New Used- Sales Service All Makes Models Phone P1 9-3211 INSURANCE AUTO CASUALTY FIRE MARINE CARL P. BENNETT Fruitland PI 2-5341 TONIGHT! DANCE TO THE MUSIC OF "THE HONEYCOMBS" WAGON WHEEL NITE CLUB YOUR HOST "SCOTTY" Phone PI 9-9822 For Reservations SANDY HILL BEACH DANCING Round And Square EVERY SATURDAY NITE SATURDAY NITE, MAY 10 Bill Godfrey His String Kings SATURDAY NITE, MAY 17 Pete Dorman His Country Ramblers The Above Bands Will Play On Alternate Saturday Nites OUR THE REASON CHEF'S We're Famous For: Breakfast Lunches Dinners Open 6 Days Weekly- Sundays CRAWFORD'S U.S.



Phone PI 9-9824, PI 2-3666 or PI 9-9759 For Reservations 550 Seating Capacity "Let's go out to SHELTON'S Drive-In, I want a dozen Hamburgers." "Ya want a whole dozen?" "Yeah man, I like SHELTON'S Hamburgers." North Salisbury Blud. OPEN ALL NIGHT Come One! Come All! And Listen To The Popular Rhythms Of "BOB and his Quartet Sats. from 9 to 12 FREE! FREE! ADMISSION Bill Culver's DELMAR ROOM 10 Delmar, Del. Located Rt. 13A Phone Delmar VI 6-8311 Television Programs Channels: 2 WMAK.

3 WRCT-TV, Philadelphia, 5 WTTG, Washington, WMAL, Washington, ABC; 9 Philadelphia, CBS; 11 Wilmington, Dumont; 13 Salisbury, ABC, CBS. Baltimore, CBS; 3 WTAR, Norfolk, CBS; NBC; 4 WRC. Washington, NBC: Dumont; 6 WTVR, Richmond, NBC: 7. WTOP, Washington, CBS: 10 WCAU, WBAL, Baltimore, NBC; 12 WPFH, WJZ, Baltimore, ABC; 16 WBOC, FRIDAY The following television listings are carried free of charge as a serv. ice to our readers.

They are prepared from programs submitted by the 13 TV stations having the best reception in this area. Inaccuracies, any, are due to program changes not reported by the stations. 6 p.m. 11 Your Zoo 11 Thin Man 2 Amos, Andy 16 E. Shore News 12 Hawkeye 3 Annie Oakley 7:05 10:00 5 7 Sports 2, 3, 9, 10 Fun House 6 Ranchhouse 7:08 Line Up Tales 16 Weather 5 Waterfront 7 Brave Eagle 7:10 2, 9, 10 Lineup 9 Annie Oakley 2 Weather 11 Boxing 10 Movie 7 News 7 .45 Colt 11 Patches 7:15 6 Broken Arrow 12 Steve Donavan 13 Movie 2, 7, 13, 16 News 10:30 16 Auction City 7:30 2, 3, 9, 10, 6:05 2, 9, 10 Dick Person To Person 16 Market duch*ess 5 If You Had A Poultry 3 Martin Kane Million 6:15 .6, 16 News 5 Badge 714 6, 11 Fights 12 Surprise Shop 6, 7, 13 Rin Tin Tin 7 State Trooper 11 Truth or 13 News 6:20 16 Sports Consequence 10:40 16 Casey Jones 13 Movie 6:30 7:45 12 Wild West 2 Federal Men 3, 10, 11 News 11 News 11:00 3, 10 News 8:00 2, 3, 7, 9, 10, 11, 16 5 Funhouse 2, 3, 9, 10 Trackdown News 6 Pastor Study 5 Movie 5, 6, 12.

Theatre 7 Frontier Doctor 6 Jim Bowie 11:05 9 Spotlight 11 Jefferson Drum 11 Weather 12 Theatre 12 Bingo-At-Home 11:10 16 E. S. Today 13, 16 Baseball 2, 11 Sports 6:40 8:15 3, 7, 10 Weather 3 Weather 12 News, Weather, 11:15 10 Sports Sports 2, 5, 9, 12, 16 Movie 6:45 16 Baseball 3, 10 Sports 6 Spotlight 8:30 11, 13 News 3, 9, 10, 11, News 2, 3, 9, 10 Theatre 11:20 6:50 6 ABC Presents 7 Theater 11 Weather 7 Walter Winchell 12 Sports 6:55 11 Life Of Riley 11:25 2, 3, 11 Sports 12 Baseball 3, 10 Movie 7:00 9:00 11:30 2 News 2, 3, 9, 10 Phil 3 O'Henry Silvers 9 News, Sports 11 Tonight Playhouse 11 M-Squad 5 Buckskins 6, 7 Frank Sinatra 11:35 6 News 12 Brave Eagle 12 Earl Anne Selby 7 Backstage 9:30 11:40 9 Annie Oakley 2, 3, 9, 10 Playhouse 12 News 10 Harbor 6 Patrice Munsel 11:50 Command 7 Date With Angels 12 Sports Backers Want 90 Minutes 2 Networks Want Omnibus Show By CHARLES MERCER NEW YORK (P -It's uncertain at the moment whether Omnibus will be appearing next season on NBC-TV or CBS-TV. Both networks want it because it has enjoyed its most distinguished season to date on NBC. Robert Saudek, under whose aegis Omnibus left the financial aid of the Ford Foundation to operate independently this season, will say only this: "I'm adamant that we not lose our 90-minute format.

We might yield for schedule or budget reasons to doing some 60-minute programs, but we won't yield on the basic principle. One of the prime ingredients of Omnibus is the fact that we started the 90-minute format and if we dropped it we would lose an important element." Saudek clearly has a point when you recall the shows which have resulted in program's distinguished seasons: "The Life of Samuel "The Lady's Not for "Moment of Turth," "La Perichole," "Mrs. Saudek says some prominent movie stars who have not appeared on television previously, are interested in playing dramatic roles for the program next season. In the offing, too, is at least one program in which Omnibus cooperates with the Metropolitan Opera Assn. Saudek also is pondering a big feature on capital punishment.

Students To Give Spring Concert BERLIN The students of Mrs. Fred Voyce will give their annual Spring concert Monday at 7:30 p.m. in the Episcopal Parish Hall, Berlin. Compositions by various composers will be played. The three Littleton girls, daughters of Mr.

and Mrs. Oscar Littleton of Berlin will each perform a classical composition. Joanne and Julia will play numbers by Beethoven and Ruth one by Tchaikowsky. Of particular interest will be the modern composition to be played by Louise Tubbs. A summer piano concert in July at Ocean City will feature nine students.

Among other musical plans of the near future, will be a 10-week summer session for children from June 16 to Aug. 23. Biela's Comet broke in two in 1856 and has disappeared. Dine Here in a Friendly Atmosphere Try one of our delicious Submarines or one of our large Steak Sandwiches. CONFECTIONERY Lester Frank Parsons Phone PI 9-9801 Salisbury Blvd.

Wade St. State Debt Limit Proposed By Candidate BALTIMORE UP) Joseph L. Manning proposed yesterday that Maryland set a constitutional limit in the State debt. Manning, candidate for the Democratic nomination for comptroller in the May 20 primary, said in a statement the present debt of 279 million dollars is a mortgage "on the future and of Marylanders. The State's obligations construction of buildings and other physifor, cal improvements are met through the real estate tax.

Manning noted that interest on the debt was about 8 million dollars last fiscal year, is 10 million dollars this year, and is expected to be about 12 million next year. COLD BEER ANY QUANTITY CANTWELL'S PARTY MARKET Poplar Hill Broad St. WUD BREAKFAST PLATTERS 6 TO 9:30 A.M. With JOHNNY WILLIAMS W.DY 1470 ON YOUR RADIO DELMAR DRIVE-IN THEATRE AWARE TONITE 2-HORROR HITS-2 Grant Lola Williams Albright In "THE MONOLITH MONSTERS" PLUS Don Taylor In "LOVE SLAVES OF THE AMAZONS" 2 Action Hits 2 Cornel Jean Wilde Wallace In "THE DEVIL'S HAIR PIN" PLUS Jock Mahoney In "JOE DAKOTA" Schine Theatre Cont. From 10:45 COMICO NOW THE WINNER OF 4 ACADEMY AWARDS! FIRST TIME at regular prices IN SALISBURY! MARLON BRANDO AND AN EXQUISITE NEW JAPANESE STAR IN SAYONARA Filmed in Japan in and presented by WARNER BROS.


Want Ads taken daily from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. excepting Sunday, for the following day's paper. These rates do not apply 1 to National Advertising. DEADLINES New Ads 5:00 p.m.

Previous Day Corrections Cancellations 9:30 a.m. Daily CORRECTIONS Errors not the tault of the advertiser will be adjusted by one free insertion if such error lessens the value of the ad. WANT AD DIRECTORY ANNOUNCEMENTS 1-In Memoriam 2-Card of Thanks 3-Travel-Transportation 4-Lost Found 5-Beauty Parlors Barbers CD -Special Notices a3 -Where To Go 8-Gift Suggestions EMPLOYMENT 9-Male Help Wanted 10-Female Help Wanted 11-Male Female Help 12-Business Opportunity 13-Situation Wanted 14-Instructions BUSINESS NOTICES 15-Building Modernizing 16-Repairing Service 17-Appliance Radio TV Repairs 18-Painting Paperhanging 19-Flooring Refinishing 20 -Laundering Cleaning 21-Dressmaking Sewing 22-Household Service 23-Moving Storage MERCHANDISE 24-Do It Yourselt 25-Miscellaneous For Sale 26-Household Goods 27-Wearing Apparel 28-Antiques 29-Boats Accessories 30-Cordwood Lumber, etc. 31-Public Auction 32-Want To Buy Rent Trade 33-Dogs Pets Supplies FARM SUPPLIES 34-Poultry Eggs Supplies 35-Seeds Plants Flowers 36-Farm Produce Feed 37-Livestock For Sale 38-Farm Equipment Supplies 39-Service Repairs 40-Wanted To Buy ROOMS AND BOARD 41-Sleeping Rooms 42-Room Board RENT REAL ESTATE 43-Houses For Rent 44-Apartments Rent 45-Resort 46 Places For Rent 47- -Garages Rent 48-Farm Property For Rent 49-Wanted To Rent SALE REAL ESTATE 50-Houses For Sale 51-Lots For Sale 52-Resort Property For Sale 53-Business Property For Sale 54-Farms PR Tracts 55-Wanted Real Estate AUTOMOTIVE 56-House Trailers 57-Accessories Parts 58-Repairing Service 59 Trucks Tractors Trailers 61-Wanted To Buy 60-Automobiles a For Sale FINANCIAL 62-Mortgage Loans 63-Money To Loan 64-Wanted To Borrow 65 Insurance Investments ANNOUNCEMENTS 1-In Memoriam IN memory of Edward L. Perry, who left us 2 years ago, May 9th.

And say time heals all sorrows, They helps us to forget But time so far has only proved How much we miss him yet. God gave us strength to fight it, And courage to bear the blow; But what it has meant to us who loved and lost him, Only God will ever know. Sadly missed by children IN sad and loving memory of our Husband and Father, William M. Austin, who passed away 1 year ago, May 9, 1957. Do not ask us if we miss him; There is such a vacant place.

Often we think we hear his footsteps And see his smiling face. Days of sadness still come o'er us Tears of silence often flow. Memory keeps him very near, Though he left one year ago. Sadly missed by Wife Cynthia and Children Eldridge, Louise, Joseph and Marion Austin. 4-Lost Found LOST 1 sailing sloop.

18 ft. long. Name Coast Guard No. 13C1920. Lost from its mooring at Dames Quarter.

Finder please notify S. H. Hurdle, 209 Philadelphia Salisbury, Md. LOST In vicinity of St. Luke's neighborhood.

13 inch female rabbit dog, black and white with tan head. Call PI 9-7420, reward if found. John Elliott, Fruitland. 5 -Beauty Parlors- Barbers SPRING TIME! Time to have your hair restyled and waved at CHARM BEAUTY SHOP 211 Naylor St. PI 9-4367 PRIMROSE BEAUTY SALON Owner: Doris White 421 E.

Church St. Ph. PI 9-3422 SYLVIA'S Beauty Shop Hair styling is our speciality. 216 E. Main St.

Phone PI 2-3735. PURNELL'S Beauty Supply Company 309 N. Salisbury Boulevard Experience, plus good merchandise, Is mighty fine to advertise. This is our forty fourth year, We're proud of Friends far and near. LINDA LEE BEAUTY SHOP Clyde Ave.

Fruitland. PI 2-4877 SALISBURY BARBER SCHOOL open Mon. thru Fri. 6 p.m. to 10 p.m.

Haircuts .35 111 S. Division St. COLD WAVES REDUCED All permanents price. GLAD'S BEAUTY SHOP 614 E. Isabella St.

PI 2-3283 Open Tues. thru Sat. Wed. and Fri, nights NAPLES BEAUTY SHOP 121 Camden St. For appointment dial PI 9-6641 MABLE'S BEAUTY SALON Open Every Day Except Sunday Open Wednesday Thursday nites 296 Hazel Ave.

Phone PI 2-4730 6 Special Notices MIDDLE aged lady will baby sit at night in your home or mine. Phone PI 2-4443. HOME MADE goods and French cookies. $1.00 $1.25 lb. Orders taken.

Phone PI 9-6509. Want Ads Bring Quick Results Dial PI 9-7171 Ask For Want Ad Taker. ANNOUNCEMENTS 6 Special Notices WILL CARE for children in my home by hour or weekly. Transportation furnished if desired. Phone PI 2-3591.

WILL care for children in my home day or nite, from babies to 5. PI 2-4823. 122 Delaware Ave. WILL TAKE care of children in my home while mother works. Florence Figgs, 327 Penn St.

WILL CARE for 1 or 2 children in my home. Best of care. References if desired. 413 S. Park Drive.

Phone PI 2-2029. TINY TOT Day Nursery 708 N. Division St. Dial PI 9-7294 GREEN MAPLE REST nursing home for ageable people. Prices very reasonable.

24 hour service. Accomack, Va. Onanco*ck Sunset 7-1196. Bookkeeping Service By qualified bookkeeper with eral years accounting experience. Will pickup deliver work PI 2-3642 day or night ELLIOTT'S NURSING HOME Real home atmosphere.

Post tives, diabetics, aged, chronic. Special diets. Your own physician it desired. 24 hour service. Licensed nurse in charge Member of the Delaware Association of Nursing Homes, Laurel, Del Phone 3955.

COLONIAL NURSING HOME Route 13, Delmar, Del. Mrs. Adele Hughes. Owner Phone Delmar. Del.

VI 6-2620 RIVERSIDE CONVALESCENT HOME Registered nurse in charge Dial PI 2-2639, 409 Camden Court MASSEY'S NURSING HOME 601 Grove Delmar, Del. Margaret Massey, 6-2596 VACANCIES Daisy Lee Nursing Home Spring Rd Phone PI 9.4768 VACANCIES FRIENDLY NURSING HOME 109 Jewel St. Delmar, Del. Phone Victoria 6-6201 Playtime Day Nursery 102 104 Philadelphia Ave. Mrs.

Owen Ashley, Phone PI 9-5411 Springhill Sanitarium Daily Medical Supervision, Registered nurse on duty 24 hours daily. Rt. 50, City Bus Line Dial PI 9-5594 Have your prize fish catch professionally mounted TOADVINES TAXIDERMY Quantico Road Phone PI 9-3935 7-Where To Go WE DON'T LIKE TO BRAG, BUT Most folks tell us our food is delicious. We think you will, too. Specializing in JUICY STEAKS, PIZZA.

CHOW MEIN SPAGHETTI THE SADDLE CLUB 110 N. Division Phone PI 9-9728 Winnie's Confectionery Apollo Chocolates, Schick Noreico Electric Shavers, 704 N. Div. St. Dial PI 9-9726.

SANDY HILL BEACH DANCES EVERY SATURDAY NITE BOATS FOR FISHING Try of SID'S SUBS GRILL heated SUBS 412 S. Division St. Last Call For Mother's Day Cards Gifts FLO-MIR GIFT SHOPPE 732 S. Salisbury Blvd. We give Green Stamps Meanwhile, Saudek leaves for Europe in a few days to visit Eng.

land, Germany, Italy, Spain and Scandinavia to investigate potential ideas and properties for 0m- nibus. In Spain he has an interesting project: seeking a locale for a possible filming of Owen Wister's "The Virginian," the first "Western" written 53 years ago from which all stories of that genre have stemmed. THIS SUNDAY WE AT DAIRY QUEEN SALUTE ALL MOTHERS Give your Mom a treat Bring her here and watch her Smile with the COCONUT ISLE sundae Smooth freshlyfrozen Dairy Queen liberally sprinkled with fresh coconuti TIA QUEEN JOHNSON'S 1957, DAIRY QUEEN NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT CO. DAIRY QUEEN 932 S. Salisbury Blvd.

SELECT YOUR GIFTS NOW FOR MOM on MOTHER'S DAY from the BETTE-LOU GIFT SHOP 804 E. Main St. PI 2-1363 OFFER YOU A Wide Variety of Gifts For MOTHER'S DAY Come in for your FREE carnation. THE GIFT SPOT 231 E. Main St.

6TH ANNIVERSARY SALE 15 PER CENT off on entire stock. except layaways, May 1 thru May 10. Stock up and save! SUBURBAN YARN SHOP 308 North Boulevard EMPLOYMENT -Male Help Wanted Office Position HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE AND SOME COLLEGE OR BUSINESS SCHOOL TRAINING PREFERRED. Exempt From Draft. Phone MR.

F. C. THOMAS FOR INTERVIEW WAYNE PUMP CO. COLLEGE SALISBURY, MD. Phone PI 9-6161 Salesman Wanted 23 35 years old Married man preferred.

Good opportunity for man willing to work. Apply after 2:30 p.m. or Saturday morning May call for appointment Wm. Freihofer Baking Co. Delmar, Delaware Phone VI 6-6161 WANTED Reliable man living in Ocean City or vicinity.

Good job for summer season. Starting May 30th. Phone Ocean City, ATlantic 9-7996, between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Write Box L-2, c-o Salisbury Times.

MEN PART TIME Our men average $500. $600. per month. Work 9:00 evenings. Show finest CHINA, STERLING CRYSTAL.

No canvassing, car necessary, advance commission, pense bonus. Write Box K-88, c-0 Salisbury Times. 3 MEN wanted by ELECTROLUX CORP. for sales service work. Apply at office or call PI 9-3717.

10-Female Help Wanted EXPERIENCED Sewing Machine Operators ALSO A FEW Learners GOOD WORKING CONDITIONS VACATION HOLIDAYS WITH PAY APPLY Excelsior Mfg. Co. 207 Market St. Salisbury, Md. MAIDS WANTED Summer season.

Ocean City, Md. Apply in person. SEAFARER MOTEL. 31st Ocean 8 -Gift Suggestions 8-Giff Suggestions WARD'S Now has a complete line of Fam-Line Luggage An Ideal Mother's Day Gift. MONTGOMERY WARD MAIN STREET SALISBURY, MD..

The Daily Times from Salisbury, Maryland (2024)


Who is the most famous person from Salisbury Maryland? ›

1. Linda Hamilton. Born in Salisbury, Maryland, USA, following high school Linda studied for two years at Washington College in Chestertown, Maryland, before moving on to acting studies in New York. In New York she attended acting workshops given by Lee Strasberg.

What is the ethnic makeup of Salisbury Maryland? ›

Salisbury Demographics

White: 45.93% Black or African American: 40.38% Two or more races: 7.54% Asian: 4.74%

What is Salisbury MD known for? ›

Area Attractions

The Salisbury Zoological Park is recognized as one of the best small zoos in America. History lovers enjoy the Poplar Hill Mansion, Newtown Historic District, Pemberton Historical Park, and Whitehaven Ferry. Fresh produce and regional specialties abound at the weekly Camden Avenue Farmers Market.

How big is Salisbury MD? ›

According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of 13.87 square miles (35.92 km2), of which 13.40 square miles (34.71 km2) is land and 0.47 square miles (1.22 km2) is water. The city is situated 17 to 45 feet (5.2 to 13.7 m) above sea level.

What is the oldest house in Salisbury MD? ›

Completed in 1805, PHM is Salisbury's oldest house and serves as a museum with exhibits about historic architecture and furnishings, medical practices of the early 1800s, farming in the early 1800s, life of the enslaved people, and Salisbury history.

What is the nickname for Salisbury Maryland? ›

Location: Salisbury is geographically well-situated, earning it the nickname "The Crossroads of Delmarva." It offers easy access to beaches and coastal areas, while still being close to major cities like Baltimore and Washington D.C. This provides a balance between urban amenities and a laid-back, coastal lifestyle.

What is the whitest county in Maryland? ›

Many white Marylanders also live in Central Maryland, including Baltimore, as well as in the suburbs of Washington, D.C. Garrett County (97.5%) and Carroll County (91.9%) are the counties with the highest percentage of white Americans.

What is the 4 to 2 law in Salisbury? ›

A modification to the city's occupancy ordinance, adopted in 2006 and commonly referred to as the 4-to-2-law, reduced from four to two the number of unrelated individuals allowed to live in one house.

What are the best areas to live in Salisbury MD? ›

Some of the best neighborhoods in or around Salisbury, Maryland are North Camden, Westside and East Main Street. Consider buying or renting a home in one of these popular neighborhoods. Is this area right for me? A local agent can help you zero in on the area that's perfect for you, no commitment required.

What is Salisbury the old name of? ›

Salisbury was thereafter the seat of the Southern Rhodesian (later Rhodesian) government and, between 1953 and 1963, the capital of the Central African Federation. It retained the name Salisbury until 1982 when it was renamed Harare on the second anniversary of Zimbabwe's independence from the United Kingdom.

What is the main industry in Salisbury? ›

An analysis of the jobs held by the resident population in City of Salisbury in 2021 shows the three most popular industry sectors were:
  • Health Care and Social Assistance (10,086 people or 15.8%)
  • Retail Trade (6,628 people or 10.4%)
  • Manufacturing (6,295 people or 9.9%)

Why is Salisbury popular? ›

As well as its stunning cathedral, one of the best reasons to visit Salisbury is for its fascinating history. The city is only a stone's throw from the world-famous site of Stonehenge, one of the wonders of the world and the most famous prehistoric monument in Europe.

Is Salisbury a good place to live? ›

Known for its historic charm and cultural heritage, Salisbury provides a blend of ancient architecture and modern amenities. The city not only houses the iconic Salisbury Cathedral, with the tallest spire in the UK, but also offers a variety of services and lifestyle options suitable for diverse needs.

What is the crime rate in Salisbury, Maryland? ›

Salisbury Annual Crimes
Number of Crimes391879
Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents)11.7726.47

What's the cost of living in Salisbury Maryland? ›

CategorySalisburyU.S. Average
Rent$1,634 (+10.03%)$1,470.04
Mortgage$2,219.63 (-2.89%)$2,283.8
Gas$3.37 (+0.52%)$3.35
Energy Bill$182.13 (-5.96%)$192.98
7 more rows

What celebrities have houses in Maryland? ›

Maryland – particularly Potomac – has also been home to names of note: John Glenn, Ted Koppel, Sugar Ray Leonard, Sylvester Stallone, and Mike Tyson. And Virginia – especially Middleburg, The Plains, and Arlington – has also had its fair share of famous residents: John F.

Which famous people are from Baltimore? ›

  • Julie Bowen. Actress. Producer. Director Happy Gilmore (1996) ...
  • Parker Posey. Actress. Producer. Writer Scream 3 (2000) ...
  • Thomas Jane. Actor. Producer. ...
  • Anna Faris. Actress. Producer. ...
  • Lance Reddick. Actor. Producer. ...
  • Penn Badgley. Actor. Producer. ...
  • Moses Ingram. Actress. Writer The Tragedy of Macbeth (2021) ...
  • Nicole Ari Parker. Actress. Producer.

What ethnicity is Salisbury? ›

Race and Ethnicity of people with the last name Salisbury
British & Irish52.5%
French & German25.7%

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Author: Roderick King

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Author information

Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.