1. Orine Fukushima - Danganronpa Wiki - Fandom
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Orine Fukushima (福島 おりね Fukushima Orine) is a Japanese voice actress that is best known for voicing Orine Shionoha from Nemure Omoi Ko, Sora no Shitone ni, Guts from Berserk, Yayoi Dojima from Yakuza. She is the Japanese voice of Teruteru Hanamura's Mother in Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair. In the English voice, her voice is provided by Wendee Lee. Some of her credited roles include: English: Behind the Voice Actors: Orine Fukushima IMDB: Orine Fukushima MyAnimeList: Fukishima, Orine Japanese: J

2. Fukushima, Orine - MyAnimeList
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Looking for information on Orine Fukushima? On MyAnimeList you can learn more about their role in the anime and manga industry.

3. Orine FUKUSHIMA - Anime News Network
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4. Regulation of the Epithelial Na+ Channel by Peptidases - PMC
Abstract. Recent investigations point to an important role for peptidases in regulating transcellular ion transport by the epithelial Na+ channel, ENaC.
Recent investigations point to an important role for peptidases in regulating transcellular ion transport by the epithelial Na+ channel, ENaC. Several peptidases, including furins and proteasomal hydrolases, modulate ENaC maturation and disposal. ...

5. AP-2β/KCTD1 control distal nephron differentiation and protect against ...
... Fukushima M (2014). Secreted Frizzled-related protein 1 (Sfrp1) regulates the progression of renal fibrosis in a mouse model of obstructive nephropathy. J ...
The developmental mechanisms that orchestrate differentiation of specific nephron segments are incompletely understood and the factors that maintain their terminal differentiation after nephrogenesis remain largely unknown. Here, the transcription ...

6. [PDF] 7q deletions proximal interstitial FTNP - RareChromo.org
One child given a unilateral cochlear implant was speaking in three-word sentences by the age of nine (Haberlandt. 2001; Fukushima 2003; Wieland 2004; Courtens ...
7. Clinical and molecular features of 66 patients with musculocontractural ...
Fukushima Y ,; Matsumoto N . A new Ehlers-Danlos syndrome with craniofacial ... Defect in dermatan sulfate in urine of patients with Ehlers-Danlos ...
Background Musculocontractural Ehlers−Danlos syndrome is caused by biallelic loss-of-function variants in CHST14 (mcEDS- CHST14 ) or DSE (mcEDS- DSE ). Although 48 patients in 33 families with mcEDS- CHST14 have been reported, the spectrum of pathogenic variants, accurate prevalence of various manifestations and detailed natural history have not been systematically investigated. Methods We collected detailed and comprehensive clinical and molecular information regarding previously reported and newly identified patients with mcEDS- CHST14 through international collaborations. Results Sixty-six patients in 48 families (33 males/females; 0–59 years), including 18 newly reported patients, were evaluated. Japanese was the predominant ethnicity (27 families), associated with three recurrent variants. No apparent genotype–phenotype correlation was noted. Specific craniofacial (large fontanelle with delayed closure, downslanting palpebral fissures and hypertelorism), skeletal (characteristic finger morphologies, joint hypermobility, multiple congenital contractures, progressive talipes deformities and recurrent joint dislocation), cutaneous (hyperextensibility, fine/acrogeria-like/wrinkling palmar creases and bruisability) and ocular (refractive errors) features were observed in most patients (>90%). Large subcutaneous haematomas, constipation, cryptorchidism, hypotonia and motor developmental delay were also common (>80%). Median ages at the initial episode of dislocation or large...

8. Iodine - Linus Pauling Institute
... Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident in Japan. Thyroid accumulation of ... nipple discharge (86). In estrogen-treated rats, iodine deficiency leads to ...
9. Radiation Q&A - Atomic Bomb Disease institute, Nagasaki University
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Five years have now passed since the Great East Japan Earthquake and the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station accident of March 11th, 2011. I would like to extend my deepest sympathy and solidarity to the victims of the earthquake disaster, and to those who were forced to seek shelter elsewhere after the accident. This booklet contains an English translation of the questions that readers found particularly interesting from a Q&A series on Radiation and Radioactive Materials, published in the local Fukushima newspaper Fukushima Minpo from December of 2011 to October of 2013. The aim of presenting this information is to enrich the readers' understanding of the various issues related to radiation.
... (NIP Korea DPR, 2008) indicated that production of PCBs has been ongoing at ... Fukushima S, Kunita N, Ohi G,. Tung TC (1985). PCBs, PCQs and PCDFs in ...
11. [PDF] Emerging cancer models for drugs and novel dosages development
through faeces or urine. b) Genetically Engineered ... Koike H, Nozawa M, Velasco MA, Kura Y, Ando N,. Fukushima E, Yamamoto Y, Hatanaka Y, Yoshikawa K,.
12. urine collection system: Topics by Science.gov
Compare with the conventional Fourier Transform NIP. ... In the region contaminated by the Fukushima nuclear accident, radioactive contamination of live cattle ...
13. [PDF] Amended Safety Assessment of Hydroquinone and p ...
urine for the intervals O-4, 4-8, 8-12, and 12-24 h and days l-5 ... Kurata Y, Fukushima S, Hasegawa R, Hirose M, Shibata M-A, Shirai T, Ito N ...
14. [PDF] Necropsy and Sampling Procedures in Rodents
Take a transverse section (1 cm × 3 cm) including the associated nipple and skin (see Note 1). ... Cohen, S.M., Wanibuchi, H., and Fukushima, S. (2002) Lower ...
15. The Costello syndrome: Are nasal papillomata essential? - Nature
16. [PDF] Toxicological profile for N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA)
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17. [PDF] Species Differences in Thyroid, Kidney and Urinary Bladder ...
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